Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Sunset in Timaru

What a lovely evening here! Sitting outside watching the sunset. We had the most yummy feed of scallops at our favourite Timaru restaurant. Sometimes my job is not bad!

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Friday, 19 February 2010

White stockings

I guess I won't post any pictures with this blog as you probably wouldn't want to see them! But already the bandages are gone and Graham just has some white elastic stockings and a waist belt, very sexy! The surgeon thought one leg had one of the most interesting/tricky veins he'd ever seen, because it meandered all over the place. Anyway, after two feeds of jelly and icecream he is home and relaxing on the sofa. Only 42 sleeps to go till the big trip so lots of incentive to get walking and be as healthy as can be!

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Sunday, 14 February 2010

Lazy Sunday afternoon

Sitting outside with our regular weekend flat white with a shot of Swiss chocolate almond, what better way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Second attempt

Ok, this time I am going to try two pics side by side.

These are pics of our verandah with our new patio blinds, very cosy!

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My first blog from my new ap

This looks pretty impressive, though I'm still not sure how to send a pic from it.

OK, maybe I just found out how. Next question is whether I can do the writing offline.

This pic is of Ann sitting outside Starfish, out favourite St Clair bar.

And this is the beach just around the corner.
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Tuesday, 9 February 2010

51 sleeps to go

It's hard to believe that we are getting well into February already! But it is certainly getting darker in the morning. We have most things organised but still a few forms to fill in for the car lease and some accommodation.
Waitangi Day was a lovely day at Rolleston, and lots of people turned  up for the annual vollyball competition with the Fire brigade. Still haven't figured out how to send pics from my iPhone so this will look a bit boring.

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Friday, 5 February 2010

Lovely day in Christchurch

The Avon river looks really lovely at this time of year.  There were lots of people out and about enjoying the mild temperatures.  And the Wizard is back in the square!  There was alos a very good band playing.  I wished I had more time to listen to them!

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