Friday, 15 August 2014


We took a trip on the Lady Douglas. The price was good, $30 each for an hour and a half with a free drink and nibbles. We were very luck that the tide and the sun were right so we saw a male crocodile,
Then a baby,
and later on a female. The tour guide had a very dry sense of humour, and was very informative about crocs' breeding and territorial habits. I hadn't realised that they ate each other, which sometimes happens when a new croc moves in and there is a fight for territory.
We also went out towards the sea to have a look at Port Douglas from the water. We learnt that the big park on the foresaw had been an old housing area till recently.
As it was late afternoon and the tide was going out, we saw a lot of the big boats coming back from the reef.
The one with the big sail goes to the Low Isles where you can snorkel in shallow water.

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