Saturday, 1 August 2020

A quick trip up the Coast.

After Haast, we hopped up the West Coast via NZMCA parks. First stop was Franz Josef Glacier.
It rained all of the way, so we had to dig out our coats and umbrellas. I had forgotten how many bends there are in the road between Fox and Franz glaciers.
You don’t come across too many 15km corners on our roads, but this trip had a couple. We stopped for a coffee at a salmon farm. Fortunately we didn’t want to eat at the cafe, as there was just one person serving and cooking, and many people waiting. A common problem with lots of people having been laid off, and a higher than expected number of kiwi tourists on the road.

It was nice to return to The Landing in Franz Josef, where we sat outside (under cover) for a Happy Hour drink despite the weather.
The friendly staff are quick to come and light a heater beside your table. 

Franz Josef NZMCA park has to have one of the most picturesque dump stations in the country!
Next day we travelled in cloudy, but not wet conditions, on to Hokitika. We lit the fire in the clubhouse and had it throwing out a lot of heat. The only other people there, Anne and Alan (from Gore!) came to join us for a couple of drinks. We swapped stories, among other things, about the perils of dealing with the Gore District Council.
We set off a little earlier than usual the following day so that we could get to Murchison in time to cook up the salmon tails we bought at the salmon farm and cafe. They were yummy!

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