Friday, 11 June 2010


Well, after deciding to stay a few more days in Cap, the weather changed! It may have been 20 degrees warmer than NZ, but the wind and the rain certainly decreased the number of daytime activities and the number of people around at night.

We decided to head over to Avignon for a look at the bridge. We avoided toll roads which made the journey a little longer, but travelled through some amazing countryside. Firstly it was coastal and some beautiful seaside resorts with plenty of camping spots, not that we could see them so well in the wind and rain. Then through lots of vineyard and market garden country, and then through countryside like alongside the rivers of Otago and Southland with willows and birches.

This is to stop the blog from getting boring and as a record of the fact that we did not always drink cheap table wine from a bucket. Speaking of which, you would think, after all these years, that the French could organize a way of pouring from their 5 litre buckets without spilling as much over the table as you get in your glass. And that included the first one!

Anyway, the GPS found us a hotelF1 and our way back into the city, to an amazing ancient town complete with its walls, cobbled streets, and of course, le pont d'Avignon, which is actually not really called that, and people didn't really dance on it, and it's only really half a bridge now, but famous nevertheless.

We took a boat trip on the Rhone which went past it and later walked out to the end, with a phone stuck to our ears giving us lots of info - like how people had to cross it slowly because it was narrow and muddy and easy to slip off! The dancing was apparently underneath the bridge.
The temperature had climbed to close to thirty, but it was very windy on the bridge and we were glad of today's width, cobble stones and railing, though still a little flimsy in Ann's view!

;-) Ann-a-Gram

1 comment:

  1. So you liked the pont the second time around, Graham, you hadn't a good word for it the first time
