Monday, 28 June 2010

The Norfolk Broads

We did a huge supermarket shop (well, three large ones actually) in preparation for our fortnight on the Broads. It took us quite some time to load it all onto the boat! We puttered up the river for a while until we found a suitable place to moor up. Ann had been shown how to do half hitches but failed miserably at tying any kind of knot that would hold. Still, they held long enough for Graham to bring the boat around and come to the rescue. More practice needed!

The weather was mild and calm, and eventually boats stopped coming past and we were left alone with swans, geese and ducks. The geese all headed for the same spot, following their leaders in single formation. Mum and Dad white swan and their little cygnet paid us three visits., because they were rewarded with bread on the first one.

Many of the houses along the broads have thatched roofs, even new ones are being thatched. Quite a few have their own driveway - for boats!

If anyone has a few spare million and would like to buy one we'd love to come and visit!
;-) Ann-a-Gram

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