Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Catching up with rellies

We had a great time staying with Graham's niece and family. It was really good to meet Fiona, Stefan, Katarina, Nathan, Tasha, Ian and the twins.

It was very obvious that the twins had devoted nanny, uncle, aunt etc., though we weren't sure who was enjoying the bubbles the most! (Not the alcoholic kind, the pretty, colourful round ones!)

They all made us feel very welcome, and it was really special for Graham to meet up with Fiona after so long.

The two of them shared lots of stories, about Dunedin and their time working at Cadbury's together, and of family memories from way back.

Thanks Fiona, Stefan and co. for a wonderful few days. We'll be in touch!

;-) Ann-a-Gram

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