Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Hong Kong

After a few drinks and a lovely meal onboard our flight, we flipped our comfy chairs over to make a flat bed, unwrapped our duvets and had a great sleep. We awoke to a yummy breakfast, and disembarked in Hong Kong feeling refreshed and ready (almost) for the draining humid mid-thirty degree temperatures outside.

Our hotel is on Nathan Road, the world famous shopping street.

A busy street with locals and tourists mingling, and the two official languages sharing the neon. In fact when we went walking the next day we saw very few non-Asian faces. The tourists were probably (wisely) cool on the air conditioned tour buses! We walked around for several hours and found some good bargains.

Later, sporting some of our new purchases, we went on a Splendid tour. We did a harbour cruise, followed by a meal at the Jumbo (world's largest floating) restaurant. It holds 2,400 people and is a typhoon shelter point.

The sunset was impressive, and the unlimited free drinks helped too! We met some Australians who were determined to finish the boat's supply of spirits and all in all it was a great night out.

;-) Ann-a-Gram

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