The train driver on our journey from Orlando to New York city must have been in a hurry to get home! We left half an hour late, due to the fact that someone had thrown themselves under the southbound train and we had to wait for the police to complete their investigation and release the train. But we arrived on time, in fact a little early. Our carriage was at the back of the train. Not sure if that was the reason, but we certainly travelled at speed and rocked and rolled our way up the east coast.
We met an English couple at dinner. They had been supposed to fly home from Miami a week ago but could nor get a flight so were heading to New York to catch a flight from there. They had been to NY before and gave us some good hints, like catching the free Staten Island ferry to have a look at the statue of liberty, which we did.
It seemed a lot closer than it looks here! As you can see, Graham is fairly well rugged up. We went from 32ish and high humidity to 8 degrees with a freezing wind. The merino and polyprops finally saw the light of day!
We found wifi at Penn station and used it to book a good price (well for New York anyway) at the downtown Holiday Inn just a few blocks away. We walked there with Graham keeping a commentary of how horrible he thought NY was! There were puddles everywhere, it was dirty, crowded, noisy, with roadworks and construction sites everywhere. I just said "welcome to New York"! I also told him he would not make a good evaluator as he needed to withhold judgement till he'd seen a bit more of the city.
After we checked in we took the subway to Central Park. It was lovely, much nicer than I remembered it, though not all the paths were on the map and neither of us had a very good sense of direction, so we walked a bit further than we intended before we got out of it again.
Today we have done the tourist thing, taking the subway to the end of the blue line, the station they still call the World Trade Centre, (which deserves its own blog), and explored Wall Street and viewed Manhatten and other landmarks from the ferry.
I hadn't realized, when Graham took this, that there was a subway station with a big screen showing a Pepsi ad right behind me! Behind that is the New York Stock Exchange.
This is a picture of it from the other side. The security around this area was amazing. All the streets are blocked off, and police and armoured vehicles are everywhere. We watched a policeman with a dog search a delivery truck, looking through the grill, inside, underneath, very thorough, before they allowed the truck through.
Tonight we are off to Broadway to see Phantom of the Opera, something we are both looking forward to.
;-) Ann-a-Gram