Friday, 30 April 2010

Night out in New York

We were nervous about whether the tickets would be there to pick up after having booked for Phantom online. We found a place for dinner just across the road from the theatre, and Graham zipped across the road to pick them up. Not only were the tickets there, but they turned out to be in the second row! So we had an awesome view of the cast, and were very close to the orchestra pit. The show was wonderful, a top class performance. I thought of you guys and all your musical children Sally and Dene, and what an inspiration it would be for them to see something like that. When we win millions in lotto we'll shout you a trip! ;-)

We walked back to the hotel, through the streets of downtown New York, past a few icons such as the above. It was past 11 but we were surrounded by other theatre goers, dozens of yellow cabs and even more police vehicles and policemen! It seems as though the police force has recruited hundreds more staff here in recent years.

Ed, Graham reckons Manchester will have its act together better than NY, at least as far as cleaning up the streets and keeping them maintained. "Ann has almost fallen into many holes on streets and supposed footpaths! We met people who told me I wouldn't recognize Manchester now."

Back on the train today, not sure when we will have wifi again, may be not till we get to Las Vegas in three days.

;-) Ann-a-Gram

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