Sunday, 4 April 2010


Can't quite believe it, but here we are in seat numbers 1A and 1K at the front of a 747. I've now got my seat back, feet up on the ottoman, glass of Chardonnay on the wee table, kiwi music playing through my head phones. Big decision. Shall I have the macadamia nut crusted salmon or the smoked chicken maccaroni with corn, mushroom, capsicum and thyme ragout with fresh rocket? The other two choices I have ruled out, one is vegetarian and the other has soy and miso.

My chardonnay has just been topped up and I'm on to the third track of the Black Seeds. If you fly Air NZ you ought to listen to kiwi music and watch kiwi movies I reckon. There's a movie called We're here to help about Dave Henderson's battle with IRD that I might have to watch later.

Well, I watched about 10 minutes of the movie before falling asleep on my perfectly flat bed. There's no other way to fly now that's for sure! We were whisked through security with the pilots while everyone else was patted down and had all their hand luggage searched. And the LA customs staff must have all done a Kiwi Host course as they were friendly, welcomed us to the US and hoped we had a good holiday! And yes, that we had a nice day too.

So we found the shuttle to our hotel no problem, took us a bit of time to find a bar that was open to sell us a beer, but now our thirst is quenched we are feeling great and ready for Amtrak tomorrow.

This is the view from our hotel window.

;-) Ann-a-Gram

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