2. Take an Onya Back - kiwi made, the little grey thing on the right pack unravels to a good sized backpack - ideal for shopping and made of parachute silk so is very strong. When packed up you can clip it on your belt or carry it on your wrist.
3. Invest in an iPhone or similar 3G/wifi device that you can carry in your pocket at all times. We used it for blogging, email, keeping electronic copies of important documents, checking credit card and bank account details, as a calculator to check our budget, booking hotels, trains and ferries, converting temperatures, distances, and currencies to things we knew, taking photos, communicating in foreign languages.. oh and for the odd text and phone call.
4. If you are travelling by car at all, buy a good GPS with the most up-to-date maps of the area you are driving through. If you are in a long- term relationship, this is an essential piece of equipment to help you stay that way.
5. Take a traveller's clothesline. Washing a few things every couple of days, especially drip-dry, will not only save money but also lots of time trying to find laundrettes.
6. Take a first aid kit. If you don't you'll end up buying things for various minor ailments in larger size/quantities than if you brought them from home.
;-) Ann-a-Gram
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