Wednesday, 26 May 2010


We had not organized a trip today, so decided to book a champagne breakfast. It came with a half bottle of French champagne, 6 plates of food, orange juice and coffee.

These were plates 5 and 6! We didn't make much of a dent in them.

After that we walked the 2 miles into Corfu. We didn't have much to guide us, but found our way to the "new" fortress, which had a view of the old fortress.

We wandered around new and old parts of Corfu, surprised at the size of the town and of the island.

Then it was back to our room and our favourite spot - you guessed it, our balcony!

Our last day is at sea, and we have run out of ship wifi, so the blogs will probably slow down now. We are looking forward to arriving into Venice and our two nights there. It has been wonderful on the cruise, and spending 12 nights in one room, but there are still lots of adventures ahead. Besides, there seems to be something wrong with the laundries on board - every time we wash our clothes they shrink a bit more!

;-) Ann-a-Gram


  1. About the laundry problems, we have a friend who went on some cruises, back-to-back, for 6 months. He said he started at a passenger but came off at the end as cargo.
