Monday, 17 May 2010

From Paris to Roma 3

We found our way out of the lovely wee town after driving in circles for a while. The road changed to long straights and the driving was easy until we arrived at Civitavecchia.

Travel tip for the day: if you are taking a cruise from Rome, make sure you are not responsible for a car! And don't expect to leave from Rome. Its port is an hour's drive north of the city, a large city itself. We drove around the port trying to find the pier from which we were departing and a long term car park. Then we drove around some more, along small narrow streets in the pouring rain looking for EITHER the pier or a long term car park. Then we stopped and sat for a while. Then we started again. Miraculously, after more than two hours we found the pier, which in the end was not the one we left from, but we also found the office for the long term car parking!

By then (after 4pm) we decided it was easier (yes Isabell...) to drive into Rome than to catch a train - it was still pouring down and not much daylight left. We set the GPS and headed off in the rain with the delightful thought of arriving in the centre of Rome right in the middle of rush hour on a Friday!

Thanks for all the comments from our well travelled friends, all true. You were correct Isabell, we thought the Paris drivers were crazy but they have nothing on the Italians! Not sure if the pic shows enough, though you can see the rain, but there are 4 or 5 cars lined up at lights, with scooters in every space among them, all headed for 2 lanes on the other side of the intersection, with no lanes marked!

Still the GPS got us to our tiny hotel room and we found a place to park the car overnight. Another very stressful day but we made it!

;-) Ann-a-Gram

1 comment:

  1. So, now you've driven through Paris and Rome. You may almost be experienced enough now to find your way round Redditch!!!
