The traffic has increased since Graham was last here 15 years ago, with service vehicles, buses, and water taxis all competing with the gondolas. But if you looked at the right moment there were plenty of gondolas - well, there ought to have been with 5 cruise ships in port!
It was a bit quieter when we went out for a meal later - that's where we ate across the water there, a very yummy lasagna and spag bol, with free wifi as well.
Next day we headed for San Marco Piazza, alas a little late to miss the tourists! We did the tour of the Basillica with its millions of mosaics, many of them gold. Certainly the most impressive Ann has ever seen - no pics allowed inside sorry.
Then we had a drink at Cafe Florian- been there since 1720. We paid €6 each for the pleasure of sitting and listening to the musicians, a total of €31 for a local beer and chianti. But then, it's not every day that you have the opportunity to sit and take in the ambience of San Marco square. And would you believe they played, among the classical pieces, Roll out the Barrell!
You don't have to wander far (although we have walked many kms) to escape the tourists and find some lovely streets free of shops and people. And hear no traffic, just the echo of footsteps and voices. A very unique place!
;-) Ann-a-Gram
Hiya. Yes I am still alive. Tried to post a comment to you weeks ago but spent half an hour typing it only for it to vanish so gave up in disgust. Hopefully I'll do it right this time. Awesome trip guys, I am so green with envy. I feel I can't add much to your travel stories as not coming from that side of the world and never having traveled there it's all new to me man!! I'm enjoying your blogs as I kinda feel I'm almost there too. One thing I can identify with was your trip to Santorini. It is one of the favourite spots our mutual friend Carey (nee)Andrews loves. In fact that is where Carey and Hiro were married. So I've seen many photos and heard many stories about those steps :-) Back here, I am now officially disestablished and waiting the results of the matching process. OK, I'm going to try and post this comment now, wish me luck. Not that you'll ever know if it doesn't work again. Continue your happy travelling. Colin